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Friday, December 9, 2011

"I get knocked down ... I get up again"

One of our favourite clients was recently hit by a significant fire (see video below).

The conclusions of the report to their governing body highlighted that: 

"The early initiation of the Business Continuity Plan proved effective. A well managed and strategic approach to decision-making was evident. The Crisis Management Team was engaged at an early stage and managed the situation in a structured and strategic manner. The Business Continuity Plan worked well, and adequate administrative support and equipment was available."
(Reference: Report OCM.109/11 of 20 September 2011 on 'Portable Office Building Fire 15 June 2011', Section 5.3 Page 3).

 The structure invoked and applied is based on EPCB's "Buttress" methodology.
The Buttress Software Package which is available as an immediate download (Database, Instructions, and Planning Template) is currently discounted - for less than $100 - plus another 10% off if you insert the Coupon X147